"Sawa" program "To find spaces free from bullying" Development of Safe Schools and Recreational Areas – Young Volunteers to End Violence Against Children.
Ministry of Interior Procedural Guide for Dealing with Cases of Gender-Based Violence, Domestic Violence and Child Protection.
The Ministry of Education's Internal Procedures Manual for Dealing with Cases of School Violence, Family Violence and Child Protection.
Supporting Ministry of Education in reviewing, consolidating and updating training materials for various actors in " Ma’An Campaign"
Basics of Designing and Writing Project Proposals.
Provide Multi-Media Education Materials and Teaching Aids ( لنحيا (بسعادة
Training for the assessment test of reading and numeracy skills “ASER”
Integration people with disabilities activities manual.
My journey towards change.
Reducing administrative burdens on administration and educational staff in education departments.
Principles and standards for teamwork and launching community initiatives.
Empowerment of community-based organizations (Tadmeen).
Developing the skills of local committees.
Innovation Labs Strategic Plan.
Effective classroom management.