Empowerment of community-based organizations (Tadmeen).
The aim of the project is to Create an environment conducive to democratic change by mobilizing and connecting various segments of society and actors in society in order to address women’s rights issues.
Three training programs were provided by Ensan in “Tadmeen” project: (financial management, community mobilization and volunteer mobilization), for three groups in three different governorates in southern Jordan, with an average of (15-20) participants attending each group. “Tadmeen” is a project funded by the European Union, implemented by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and Uni-Hrd in the governorates of Karak, Tafila and Maan in southern Jordan.
The project aims to create an environment conducive to democratic change by mobilizing and connecting various segments of society and actors in society for the sake of Addressing women’s rights issues in the best way, and through activities, the most vulnerable women in these locations are encouraged to understand their rights and proactively exercise their rights (protection, social service, reporting, voting).
The project also aims to train and establish coordination platforms for local actors including in its community organizations, government and local media, so they gain confidence in their ability to influence mindset and change policy.