Reducing administrative burdens on administration and educational staff in education departments.

Ensan’s educational experts worked in partnership with the “King Abdullah Institute for Studies and Research”, to implement the project ” Reducing administrative burdens on administrative and educational staff in education departments” in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Work was done through this project to build (20) training kits and documents and many other documents and outputs for the benefit of the project, including:
– A training kit of optimal investment of available resources – for the Incumbents educational positions.
– A training kit of School administrative skills for the Incumbents educational positions.
– A training kit of School leadership skills for the Incumbents educational positions.
– A training kit of dealing with work pressures Skills for the Incumbents educational positions.
– A training kit of Team building and leadership skills for the Incumbents administrative positions.
– A training kit of communication skills for the Incumbents administrative positions.